Radical and ongoing hunger during the first year of a baby's life can lead to death.
Babies who manage to survive may suffer from lifelong disabilities, both cognitive and physical.


Because their formula is over
Because their formula has been diluted in water, and it's not satisfying
Because instead of formula, they'll receive milk with sugar
Because instead of formula, they'll receive a pacifier because their bottle ran out very fast
Because instead of formula, they'll get a hug from Mom because there's no formula
Because their formula is over
Because their formula has been diluted in water, and it's not satisfying
Because instead of formula, they'll receive milk with sugar
Because instead of formula, they'll receive a pacifier because their bottle ran out very fast
Because instead of formula, they'll get a hug from Mom because there's no formula

26,000 Babies are likely to go to sleep today tomorrow, and in a week crying…

Because they are hungry
?Can we shoulder the responsibility

There are 26,000 babies in Israel who are suffering from hunger every day.
A share of yours can save a baby's life!

Would you at least try?

Would you at least try?

Would you at least try?

Would you at least try?

If you knew you could save them
Without knowing how they ended up in this situation
Without blaming the government
Without understanding why people fail to support them?

If you knew you could save them

Would you at least try?

Without knowing how they ended up in this situation

Would you at least try?

 הייתם לפחות מנסים?
Without blaming the government

Would you at least try?

 הייתם לפחות מנסים?

Without understanding why people fail to support them?

Would you at least try?

 הייתם לפחות מנסים?

In the reality of a starving baby, there is no room for asking questions and assigning blame.
Because it will not alter the situation, and it will not rescue the baby from daily suffering.
This is the circumstance they have been thrust into, and it is not their fault.

He wants to eat right now!
He needs to eat right now!

Whether it's 15/200 shekel or a share

You've already received his smile

In the
"Aid for Babies"

there are 100 babies who will go to sleep tonight feeling full, happy, and their parents will be at ease.
We can save 100 babies from hunger, all thanks to you!
Your love and generosity make it possible. By donating, you save starving babies.

Thank you

But what about the 25,900

Babies who cry every night because they are hungry?

Every day, we receive numerous calls from mothers seeking our help. Each application is promptly forwarded to Adi, our dedicated project manager and mother’s liaison. Adi verifies the applications and conducts relevant checks, ensuring babies in need receive immediate assistance. She maintains regular communication with all the mothers involved in the project. Every month, Adi compiles and updates the list based on mothers' requests, including the specific type and size of formula and other essential items. And each month, the baby receives customized food exclusively tailored for them until they reach one year of age.

שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה
Adi Mammon, Mother Relations Manager

The power behind the scenes

Lies within our dedicated volunteer community. We have a multitude of volunteers, including certified professionals, who support mothers in various ways. They assist not only with immediate needs but also provide mental health support, aid in job search endeavors, and offer guidance when navigating bureaucratic processes.

These volunteers play a crucial role in empowering mothers and ensuring their progress and well-being

In this reality, even a single saving wheel is not enough

A well-fed baby

a calm mother

We strive to remove them from the waiting list through a new project that supports 500 babies and 500 single mothers in need. Food for each baby costs 3,600 shekels per year.

To ensure our commitment to one year of food supply for the baby and peace of mind for the mother, we have launched a recruitment campaign seeking 1,800,000 shekels. Every donation is meaningful, but each share is vital to making a difference.

The donation on this website is recognized for tax purposes section 46 "O'olel help and love" Registered association No.: 5802


Herzel 148 st., Rehovot, Israel
